Classes, Bible studies, and special series on Sunday mornings and throughout the week cover a variety of topics relevant to our 21st century lifestyle. If you have questions or want to know more about Jesus or you want to go deeper in your faith, you’ll find the people of Covenant learning and growing together.
Register Here for our Next Class
Core Classes
- Discover Your Shape for Serving
Learn the gifts of the Spirit and discover which gifts and skills are present in you. Explore what may be your sweet spot for serving the church using your gifts, heart, abilities, skills, personality, and passions. Includes an introduction to ministry opportunities at and through Covenant UMC.
- Watch for our next sessions in 2025.
Pastor's Class
- Join Pastor Chris & Pastor Allison as they open the scriptures to address important topics throughout the year. Join in one class or the whole season.
- Thursday Mornings @ 10:00am
EQUIP - Leadership Institute at Covenant UMC
A leadership development program for all ages. Six Saturday morning sessions over the next year will provide opportunities to learn, grow, and develop as a leader. (Miss the first session? No problem. Each session is a stand alone opportunity to grow. Register and plan to attend every session you can.)
- Saturday Mornings 9:00-11:00am Registration Required.
- For our Equip Page click HERE.
Here at Covenant UMC, we offer a variety of adult classes on Sunday mornings during our worship services at 9 am and 10 am. If you have questions on how to connect with one of the following classes, please contact Pastor Allison.
- Faith Café (9:00am)
- Currently studying the book "Standing Strong" by Jonathan Falwell which is a series on building your life on God's promises.
- This is a 6 session study which will conclude on February 9.
- Women of the Bible in the New Testament
- Room 110
- Facilitators: Janet Hall and Rita Spears
- Faith Builders (9:00am)
- Expand the knowledge and practice of your faith within a small-group context, and discover a safe place to ask questions, explore some doubts and dig into difficult subjects.
- During this season, we will be looking at the parables of Jesus and how they apply to living our lives as followers of Jesus in today’s world.
- For those with kids, Covenant has the nursery available at this time as well as classes for preschool through Grade 5.
- Meets in The Cove
- Facilitator: Joel Schwartz
- Agape Class (10:00am)
- The Agape Class is studying Matthew's Sermon on the Mount, by Amy-Jill Levine, a faithful Jew and renowned University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Anyone interested would be welcome to join!
- Room 208
- Facilitator: Judy Rice
- Discovery Group (10:00am)
- Jan 12: Holy Days and Holidays
- United Methodist Social Principles
- Starting January 19th
- Seven week study
- These sessions are open to anyone who would like to join in the study.
- Each session lasts 90 minutes and includes a presentation and open discussion.
- The Discovery Group also goes for lunch together one Sunday of each month.
- Room 105 & 107
- Facilitators: Curt Sylvester
- Faith Discovery (10:00am)
- “Deeper Connections: The Parables of Jesus”
- Room 110
- Facilitator: Keith Hering and Jackie Landrie