We love having the opportunity hang out with your youth, to share with them the love of God, and to teach them how to connect with God themselves.
Youth group meets on Sunday evenings each week in the Cove. Enter through Door #2 and head down the stairs.
Middle School: 5:30 - 7 PM
High School: 6:30 - 8 PM
For upcoming events and to check out our current calendar, head over to our Upcoming Events page!
Looking for the parent devotional that goes with our weekly youth group themes? Check out the downloads section just below!
Questions? Contact Pastor Allison Yankey at pastorallison@covenantumc.net.
During his time on earth, Jesus' message was clear—from now on, things will be different. Jesus spent his life showingpeople how God wanted to connect with them and help them connect with each other. Because of Jesus, our worldcan be forever changed—we just need to follow him. In this 4-week series from the Gospels, we'll explore what itmeans to follow Jesus and look at the life he invites us into. We'll see how we cantrust Jesus is with us,howJesusgives us peace,that we can trustJesus loves us,and howJesus gives us a place to belong.